The reason there were no members of the Senedd on the BBC's Question Time is that neither the Labour or Conservative Party put up a devolved member of their party to appear when they were asked to nominate someone by the BBC.

On Thursday, November 9, the BBC's well known political discussion show appeared in Llandudno. On the panel were the Conservative MP and secretary of state for Wales David TC Davies, the Labour MP for the Rhondda Chris Bryant and the Plaid Cymru Westminster leader Liz Saville-Roberts MP.

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Given that the Welsh Government is responsible for many areas of policy in Wales such as education and the NHS some expressed surprised that there was no devolved representation on the panel. The Twitter acount "That's Devolved" which helps educate people on what policy areas are controlled in Wales and which in London, tweeted: "Ah yes, a great panel for devolution".

Some Welsh Labour Senedd Members were really annoyed about this. MS for Ogmore Huw Irranca-Davies tweeted: "So @bbcquestiontime how did you (again) manage to do a whole programme in Wales without a single Welsh Government Minister or even a Member of the Senedd? It's not acceptable. What's your editorial process here?"

However is appears that it was his own party that didn't invite the devolved administration to the party. WalesOnline understands that the BBC approached Plaid, Labour and the Tories to ask them to nominate a representative and the Conservatives and Labour parties offered representatives from Westminster and Plaid Cymru offered one from both the Senedd and Westminister.