GoSafe, the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership, will be supporting Brake’s Road Safety Week once again in 2023.
Road Safety Week is Brake's biggest road safety campaign. Every year, thousands of schools, organisations and communities get involved to share important road safety messages, remember people affected by road death and injury, and raise funds to help Brake care for more road victims and campaign for safe roads for everyone.
Road Safety Week this year is aiming to get people talking about speed. According to Police recorded road collision data, 1016 people were killed or seriously injured in collisions in Wales in 2022. This averages to 20 people every week. The data showed that approximately half of those killed or seriously injured were on a 30mph road.

Speeding forms one of the ‘Fatal 5’ offences and is a major contributor to these collisions. The offences completing the Fatal 5 include drink/drug driving, dangerous driving, mobile phone use whilst driving, and not wearing your seatbelt.
Speed limits are in place for the safety of all road users and are not targets to reach or exceed. There is a responsibility on all road users to drive according to the conditions of the road, within the legal speed limit and there is never an excuse for excess speeds.
GoSafe has enforcement cameras located at sites across Wales with the sole purpose of encouraging motorists to comply with the speed limits. The sites are selected based on collision data, risk of injury and/or community concerns. Enforcement is carried out across all speed limits and the most successful sites are noted as recording the least number of offences, not the most.

GoSafe’s casualty reduction officers will continue to enforce throughout Brake’s Road Safety Week to help keep communities and everyone using Welsh roads safer. They’ll also be looking for opportunities to engage with people and ensure that we’re all talking about speed and the impact it can have on our lives.
The minimum penalty for speeding is a £100 fine and three penalty points added to your licence. You could be eligible to attend a Driver Education Course, which will incur a cost, but you won’t have penalty points added to your licence.
To find out more head to the Go Safe website.